If you need additional storage, you can also add data disks to a Linux VM.The following example output shows the data drive /dev/sdc1 is now 200 GB: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on To verify the data disk has been resized, use df -h. Mount the partition to the desired location, such as /datadrive: sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /datadrive Resize the filesystem with resize2fs: sudo resize2fs /dev/sdc1 With the partition resized, verify the partition consistency with e2fsck: sudo e2fsck -f /dev/sdc1 Enter the partition number, 1, and a size for the new partition: (parted) resizepart Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096BĬ. Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands. The output is similar to the following example, which shows the underlying disk is 215 GB: GNU Parted 3.2 View information about the existing partition layout with print.

Use parted to view disk information and resize the partition: sudo parted /dev/sdc If the disk is already mounted, unmount it: sudo umount /dev/sdc1ī. You can see the public IP address of your VM with az vm show: az vm show -resource-group myResourceGroup -name myVM -d -query -output tsvĮxpand the underlying partition and filesystem.Ī. SSH to your VM with the appropriate credentials. To use an expanded disk, expand the underlying partition and filesystem. The following example starts the VM named myVM in the resource group named myResourceGroup: az vm start -resource-group myResourceGroup -name myVM For a table of the available managed disk sizes and tiers, see Azure Managed Disks Overview - Pricing and Billing. When you expand a managed disk, the updated size is rounded up to the nearest managed disk size. In the following samples, replace example parameter names such as myResourceGroup and myVM with your own values. If you do not already have a VM that you can use, see Create and prepare a VM with data disks. This article requires an existing VM in Azure with at least one data disk attached and prepared. Make sure that you have the latest Azure CLI installed and are signed in to an Azure account by using az login. To confirm that you've registered, use the following command: az feature show -namespace Microsoft.Compute -name LiveResize
It may take a few minutes for registration to take complete. To register for the feature, use the following command: az feature register -namespace Microsoft.Compute -name LiveResize